4900 West Side Avenue North Bergen, NJ 07047
Sales Contacts - 212-227-1630
Walter Abatangelo - Long Island Automatic Door Sales
wabatangelo@mackenziedoor.com - 917-848-8299
Michael Arthur - New Jersey Automatic Door Sales
marthur@mackenziedoor.com - 917-471-0609
Thomas R. Ramirez - Manhattan Automatic Door Sales
Custom Doors and New Business Development
tramirez@mackenziedoor.com - 631-309-7000
Joe Sparano - Service Contract Manager 917-613-8653
Eric Eric Rodriguez - Stock Sales Manager for Automatic Doors
212-227-1630 ext. 304
Joe Dai - Ellison Power Now - Automatic Revolving Doors - Custom Projects / Bronze, Stainless Steel Doors
Supervises Sales Force
CONTACT SALES - 212-227-1630
Rich Heim - Manual Door Sales (New York and New Jersey Manual door sales and repairs on swing doors, revolving doors)- rheim@mackenziedoor.com - 212-227-1630 x 329
Michael Arthur - Manual and Automatic (New York and New Jersey Manual & Automatic sales on swinging, sliding and revolving doors)- marthur@mackenziedoor.com 212-227-1630 x 330 Joe Dai - Ellison Balanced Doors, Revolving Doors, Custom Doors (Ellison Balanced Doors, Revolving Doors , and specialty projects) - ***** NOW - Representing Ellison Bronze in Florida & Georgia jdai@mackenziedoor.com (Supervises Sales Force) x 348 Timothy Delarosa (Stock Sales Manager )- FOR MANUAL DOOR PARTS tdelarosa@mackenziedoor.com 212-227-1630 x 309
Rich Heim - Manual Door Sales (New York and New Jersey Manual door sales and repairs on swing doors, revolving doors)- rheim@mackenziedoor.com - 212-227-1630 x 329
Michael Arthur - Manual and Automatic (New York and New Jersey Manual & Automatic sales on swinging, sliding and revolving doors)- marthur@mackenziedoor.com 212-227-1630 x 330 Joe Dai - Ellison Balanced Doors, Revolving Doors, Custom Doors (Ellison Balanced Doors, Revolving Doors , and specialty projects) - ***** NOW - Representing Ellison Bronze in Florida & Georgia jdai@mackenziedoor.com (Supervises Sales Force) x 348 Timothy Delarosa (Stock Sales Manager )- FOR MANUAL DOOR PARTS tdelarosa@mackenziedoor.com 212-227-1630 x 309